A Guide To Parallelism and Resources for Ray Tune#

Parallelism is determined by per trial resources (defaulting to 1 CPU, 0 GPU per trial) and the resources available to Tune (ray.cluster_resources()).

By default, Tune automatically runs N concurrent trials, where N is the number of CPUs (cores) on your machine.

# If you have 4 CPUs on your machine, this will run 4 concurrent trials at a time.
tuner = tune.Tuner(
results = tuner.fit()

You can override this per trial resources with tune.with_resources. Here you can specify your resource requests using either a dictionary or a PlacementGroupFactory object. In either case, Ray Tune will try to start a placement group for each trial.

# If you have 4 CPUs on your machine, this will run 2 concurrent trials at a time.
trainable_with_resources = tune.with_resources(trainable, {"cpu": 2})
tuner = tune.Tuner(
results = tuner.fit()

# If you have 4 CPUs on your machine, this will run 1 trial at a time.
trainable_with_resources = tune.with_resources(trainable, {"cpu": 4})
tuner = tune.Tuner(
results = tuner.fit()

# Fractional values are also supported, (i.e., {"cpu": 0.5}).
# If you have 4 CPUs on your machine, this will run 8 concurrent trials at a time.
trainable_with_resources = tune.with_resources(trainable, {"cpu": 0.5})
tuner = tune.Tuner(
results = tuner.fit()

# Custom resource allocation via lambda functions are also supported.
# If you want to allocate gpu resources to trials based on a setting in your config
trainable_with_resources = tune.with_resources(trainable,
    resources=lambda spec: {"gpu": 1} if spec.config.use_gpu else {"gpu": 0})
tuner = tune.Tuner(
results = tuner.fit()

Tune will allocate the specified GPU and CPU as specified by tune.with_resources to each individual trial. Even if the trial cannot be scheduled right now, Ray Tune will still try to start the respective placement group. If not enough resources are available, this will trigger autoscaling behavior if you’re using the Ray cluster launcher.


tune.with_resources cannot be used with Ray Train Trainers. If you are passing a Trainer to a Tuner, specify the resource requirements in the Trainer instance using ScalingConfig. The general principles outlined below still apply.

It is also possible to specify memory ("memory", in bytes) and custom resource requirements.

If your trainable function starts more remote workers, you will need to pass so-called placement group factory objects to request these resources. See the PlacementGroupFactory documentation for further information. This also applies if you are using other libraries making use of Ray, such as Modin. Failure to set resources correctly may result in a deadlock, “hanging” the cluster.


The resources specified this way will only be allocated for scheduling Tune trials. These resources will not be enforced on your objective function (Tune trainable) automatically. You will have to make sure your trainable has enough resources to run (e.g. by setting n_jobs for a scikit-learn model accordingly).

How to leverage GPUs in Tune?#

To leverage GPUs, you must set gpu in tune.with_resources(trainable, resources_per_trial). This will automatically set CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES for each trial.

# If you have 8 GPUs, this will run 8 trials at once.
trainable_with_gpu = tune.with_resources(trainable, {"gpu": 1})
tuner = tune.Tuner(
results = tuner.fit()

# If you have 4 CPUs and 1 GPU on your machine, this will run 1 trial at a time.
trainable_with_cpu_gpu = tune.with_resources(trainable, {"cpu": 2, "gpu": 1})
tuner = tune.Tuner(
results = tuner.fit()

You can find an example of this in the Keras MNIST example.


If gpu is not set, CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES environment variable will be set as empty, disallowing GPU access.

Troubleshooting: Occasionally, you may run into GPU memory issues when running a new trial. This may be due to the previous trial not cleaning up its GPU state fast enough. To avoid this, you can use tune.utils.wait_for_gpu.

How to run distributed training with Tune?#

To tune distributed training jobs, you can use Ray Tune with Ray Train. Ray Tune will run multiple trials in parallel, with each trial running distributed training with Ray Train.

For more details, see Ray Train Hyperparameter Optimization.

How to limit concurrency in Tune?#

To specifies the max number of trials to run concurrently, set max_concurrent_trials in TuneConfig.

Note that actual parallelism can be less than max_concurrent_trials and will be determined by how many trials can fit in the cluster at once (i.e., if you have a trial that requires 16 GPUs, your cluster has 32 GPUs, and max_concurrent_trials=10, the Tuner can only run 2 trials concurrently).

from ray.tune import TuneConfig

config = TuneConfig(
    # ...