
ray.remote(__function: Callable[[], R]) RemoteFunctionNoArgs[R][source]#
ray.remote(__function: Callable[[T0], R]) RemoteFunction0[R, T0]
ray.remote(__function: Callable[[T0, T1], R]) RemoteFunction1[R, T0, T1]
ray.remote(__function: Callable[[T0, T1, T2], R]) RemoteFunction2[R, T0, T1, T2]
ray.remote(__function: Callable[[T0, T1, T2, T3], R]) RemoteFunction3[R, T0, T1, T2, T3]
ray.remote(__function: Callable[[T0, T1, T2, T3, T4], R]) RemoteFunction4[R, T0, T1, T2, T3, T4]
ray.remote(__function: Callable[[T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5], R]) RemoteFunction5[R, T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5]
ray.remote(__function: Callable[[T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6], R]) RemoteFunction6[R, T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6]
ray.remote(__function: Callable[[T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7], R]) RemoteFunction7[R, T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7]
ray.remote(__function: Callable[[T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8], R]) RemoteFunction8[R, T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8]
ray.remote(__function: Callable[[T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9], R]) RemoteFunction9[R, T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9]
ray.remote(__t: type) Any
ray.remote(*, num_returns: int | Literal['streaming'] = Undefined, num_cpus: int | float = Undefined, num_gpus: int | float = Undefined, resources: Dict[str, float] = Undefined, accelerator_type: str = Undefined, memory: int | float = Undefined, max_calls: int = Undefined, max_restarts: int = Undefined, max_task_retries: int = Undefined, max_retries: int = Undefined, runtime_env: Dict[str, Any] = Undefined, retry_exceptions: bool = Undefined, scheduling_strategy: None | Literal['DEFAULT'] | Literal['SPREAD'] | PlacementGroupSchedulingStrategy = Undefined) RemoteDecorator

Defines a remote function or an actor class.

This function can be used as a decorator with no arguments to define a remote function or actor as follows:

import ray

def f(a, b, c):
    return a + b + c

object_ref = f.remote(1, 2, 3)
result = ray.get(object_ref)
assert result == (1 + 2 + 3)

class Foo:
    def __init__(self, arg):
        self.x = arg

    def method(self, a):
        return self.x + a

actor_handle = Foo.remote(123)
object_ref = actor_handle.method.remote(321)
result = ray.get(object_ref)
assert result == (123 + 321)

Equivalently, use a function call to create a remote function or actor.

def g(a, b, c):
    return a + b + c

remote_g = ray.remote(g)
object_ref = remote_g.remote(1, 2, 3)
assert ray.get(object_ref) == (1 + 2 + 3)

class Bar:
    def __init__(self, arg):
        self.x = arg

    def method(self, a):
        return self.x + a

RemoteBar = ray.remote(Bar)
actor_handle = RemoteBar.remote(123)
object_ref = actor_handle.method.remote(321)
result = ray.get(object_ref)
assert result == (123 + 321)

It can also be used with specific keyword arguments as follows:

@ray.remote(num_gpus=1, max_calls=1, num_returns=2)
def f():
    return 1, 2

@ray.remote(num_cpus=2, resources={"CustomResource": 1})
class Foo:
    def method(self):
        return 1

Remote task and actor objects returned by @ray.remote can also be dynamically modified with the same arguments as above using .options() as follows:

@ray.remote(num_gpus=1, max_calls=1, num_returns=2)
def f():
    return 1, 2

f_with_2_gpus = f.options(num_gpus=2)
object_refs = f_with_2_gpus.remote()
assert ray.get(object_refs) == [1, 2]

@ray.remote(num_cpus=2, resources={"CustomResource": 1})
class Foo:
    def method(self):
        return 1

Foo_with_no_resources = Foo.options(num_cpus=1, resources=None)
foo_actor = Foo_with_no_resources.remote()
assert ray.get(foo_actor.method.remote()) == 1

A remote actor will be terminated when all actor handle to it in Python is deleted, which will cause them to complete any outstanding work and then shut down. If you only have 1 reference to an actor handle, calling del actor could trigger actor deletion. Note that your program may have multiple references to the same ActorHandle, and actor termination will not occur until the reference count goes to 0. See the Python documentation for more context about object deletion. https://docs.python.org/3.9/reference/datamodel.html#object.__del__

If you want to kill actors immediately, you can also call ray.kill(actor).


Avoid repeatedly passing in large arguments to remote task or method calls.

Instead, use ray.put to create a copy of the object in the object store.

See more info here.

  • num_returns – This is only for remote functions. It specifies the number of object refs returned by the remote function invocation. The default value is 1. Pass “dynamic” to allow the task to decide how many return values to return during execution, and the caller will receive an ObjectRef[DynamicObjectRefGenerator]. See dynamic generators for more details.

  • num_cpus – The quantity of CPU resources to reserve for this task or for the lifetime of the actor. By default, tasks use 1 CPU resource and actors use 1 CPU for scheduling and 0 CPU for running (This means, by default, actors cannot get scheduled on a zero-cpu node, but an infinite number of them can run on any non-zero cpu node. The default value for actors was chosen for historical reasons. It’s recommended to always explicitly set num_cpus for actors to avoid any surprises. If resources are specified explicitly, they are required for both scheduling and running.) See specifying resource requirements for more details.

  • num_gpus – The quantity of GPU resources to reserve for this task or for the lifetime of the actor. The default value is 0. See Ray GPU support for more details.

  • resources (Dict[str, float]) – The quantity of various custom resources to reserve for this task or for the lifetime of the actor. This is a dictionary mapping strings (resource names) to floats. By default it is empty.

  • accelerator_type – If specified, requires that the task or actor run on a node with the specified type of accelerator. See accelerator types.

  • memory – The heap memory request in bytes for this task/actor, rounded down to the nearest integer.

  • max_calls – Only for remote functions. This specifies the maximum number of times that a given worker can execute the given remote function before it must exit (this can be used to address memory leaks in third-party libraries or to reclaim resources that cannot easily be released, e.g., GPU memory that was acquired by TensorFlow). By default this is infinite for CPU tasks and 1 for GPU tasks (to force GPU tasks to release resources after finishing).

  • max_restarts – Only for actors. This specifies the maximum number of times that the actor should be restarted when it dies unexpectedly. The minimum valid value is 0 (default), which indicates that the actor doesn’t need to be restarted. A value of -1 indicates that an actor should be restarted indefinitely. See actor fault tolerance for more details.

  • max_task_retries – Only for actors. How many times to retry an actor task if the task fails due to a system error, e.g., the actor has died. If set to -1, the system will retry the failed task until the task succeeds, or the actor has reached its max_restarts limit. If set to n > 0, the system will retry the failed task up to n times, after which the task will throw a RayActorError exception upon ray.get. Note that Python exceptions are not considered system errors and will not trigger retries. The default value is 0. See actor fault tolerance for more details.

  • max_retries – Only for remote functions. This specifies the maximum number of times that the remote function should be rerun when the worker process executing it crashes unexpectedly. The minimum valid value is 0, the default value is 3, and a value of -1 indicates infinite retries. See task fault tolerance for more details.

  • runtime_env (Dict[str, Any]) – Specifies the runtime environment for this actor or task and its children. See Runtime environments for detailed documentation.

  • retry_exceptions – Only for remote functions. This specifies whether application-level errors should be retried up to max_retries times. This can be a boolean or a list of exceptions that should be retried. See task fault tolerance for more details.

  • scheduling_strategy – Strategy about how to schedule a remote function or actor. Possible values are None: ray will figure out the scheduling strategy to use, it will either be the PlacementGroupSchedulingStrategy using parent’s placement group if parent has one and has placement_group_capture_child_tasks set to true, or “DEFAULT”; “DEFAULT”: default hybrid scheduling; “SPREAD”: best effort spread scheduling; PlacementGroupSchedulingStrategy: placement group based scheduling; NodeAffinitySchedulingStrategy: node id based affinity scheduling. See Ray scheduling strategies for more details.

  • _metadata – Extended options for Ray libraries. For example, _metadata={“workflows.io/options”: <workflow options>} for Ray workflows.