Source code for ray.train.torch.xla.config

import logging
import os
import re
import shutil
import uuid
from dataclasses import dataclass

import ray
from ray.train._internal.utils import get_address_and_port
from ray.train._internal.worker_group import WorkerGroup
from ray.train.backend import Backend
from ray.train.torch import TorchConfig
from ray.util import PublicAPI

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]@PublicAPI(stability="alpha") @dataclass class TorchXLAConfig(TorchConfig): """ Configuration for torch XLA setup. See for more info. Currently, only "neuron_cores" accelerator (AwsNeuronXLABackend) is supported with xrt runtime. """ neuron_parallel_compile: bool = False @property def backend_cls(self): return _TorchAwsNeuronXLABackend
def _kill_xrt_server(): import subprocess["pkill", "-f", "xrt_run_server"]) def _set_xla_env_vars(): # context = ray.train.get_context() os.environ["LOCAL_RANK"] = str(context.get_local_rank()) os.environ["RANK"] = str(context.get_world_rank()) os.environ["LOCAL_WORLD_SIZE"] = str(context.get_local_world_size()) os.environ["WORLD_SIZE"] = str(context.get_world_size()) os.environ["GROUP_RANK"] = str(context.get_node_rank()) os.environ["GROUP_WORLD_SIZE"] = str( context.get_world_size() / context.get_local_world_size() ) os.environ["ROLE_RANK"] = str(context.get_world_rank()) os.environ["ROLE_WORLD_RANK"] = str(context.get_world_rank()) os.environ["ROLE_WORLD_SIZE"] = str(context.get_world_size()) # EFA and XLA setup # # # noqa os.environ["FI_PROVIDER"] = "efa" os.environ["FI_EFA_USE_DEVICE_RDMA"] = "1" os.environ["FI_EFA_FORK_SAFE"] = "1" os.environ["XLA_TRANSFER_SEED_ASYNC"] = "1" os.environ["NCCL_ASYNC_ERROR_HANDLING"] = "1" def _setup_xla_torch_process_group(): try: import torch.distributed as dist import torch_xla.core.xla_model as xm # noqa F401 import torch_xla.distributed.xla_backend # noqa F401 dist.init_process_group("xla") except ImportError: raise ImportError("torch_xla must be installed to use torch_xla backend.") # The following env vars enable Neuron graph extraction for parallel compilation # Note: model outputs are invalid and should be ignored while these env vars are set def _set_neuron_parallel_compile_env_vars(): os.environ["NEURON_PARALLEL_COMPILE"] = "1" os.environ["NEURON_EXTRACT_GRAPHS_ONLY"] = "1" os.environ["NEURON_FALL_BACK_TO_NULL_NEFF"] = "1" # Compile previously extracted Neuron graphs def _neuron_compile_extracted_graphs(): try: from libneuronxla.neuron_cc_cache import CacheUrl from libneuronxla.neuron_parallel_compile import parallel_compile except ImportError: raise ImportError( "libneuronxla must be installed to use Neuron parallel compilation." ) # Only 1 worker per node should run parallel_compile() if os.environ.get("LOCAL_RANK") == "0":"Compiling extracted graphs on local rank0 worker") parallel_compile_workdir = ( f"/tmp/{os.environ.get('USER','no-user')}/parallel_compile_workdir/" ) if os.path.exists(parallel_compile_workdir): shutil.rmtree(parallel_compile_workdir) os.makedirs(parallel_compile_workdir, exist_ok=True) # Users can set the cache directory using --cache_dir in NEURON_CC_FLAGS or by # using NEURON_COMPILE_CACHE_URL. --cache_dir takes precedence. explicit_cache_dir = None if neuron_cc_flags := os.environ.get("NEURON_CC_FLAGS"): if s :="--cache_dir[= ](\S+)", neuron_cc_flags): explicit_cache_dir = parallel_compile( parallel_compile_workdir, CacheUrl.get_cache_url(explicit_cache_dir), ) class _TorchAwsNeuronXLABackend(Backend): unique_run_id: str = str(uuid.uuid4()) def on_start(self, worker_group: WorkerGroup, backend_config: TorchXLAConfig): """Logic ran right before training is started.""" # On previous worker failure, we don't run graceful shutdown on workers. # This would leak any running xrt server. worker_group.execute(_kill_xrt_server) # Get master address and port from the first worker. master_addr, master_port = worker_group.execute_single(0, get_address_and_port) def set_env_vars(addr, port): os.environ["MASTER_ADDR"] = addr os.environ["MASTER_PORT"] = str(port) # To trigger the xrt server os.environ["TORCHELASTIC_RUN_ID"] = self.unique_run_id # Set the env vars on all workers. worker_group.execute(set_env_vars, addr=master_addr, port=master_port) # Set up env vars for neuron parallel compilation graph extraction if backend_config.neuron_parallel_compile:"Extracting graphs for Neuron parallel compilation") worker_group.execute(_set_neuron_parallel_compile_env_vars) def on_training_start( self, worker_group: WorkerGroup, backend_config: TorchXLAConfig ): """ Configure the environment variables for the worker group. And initialize the xla distributed process group. TODO: Current setup only supports homogenous cluster with neuron_cores accelerator and xrt runtime. """ worker_group.execute(_set_xla_env_vars) worker_group.execute(_setup_xla_torch_process_group) def on_shutdown(self, worker_group: WorkerGroup, backend_config: TorchXLAConfig): """ Logic ran right after training is finished. This is a sanity cleanup to kill xrt server, and to optionally run neuron parallel graph compilation """ worker_group.execute(_kill_xrt_server) # Compile the extracted graphs. This must run at end of training. if backend_config.neuron_parallel_compile: worker_group.execute(_neuron_compile_extracted_graphs)